We had such an amazing first week of school!
We started talking about colors by learning about the primary colors: red, blue, and yellow.
We talked about things we can do in our classroom that would be considered "good choices".
We practiced taking turns and being good sports by playing a colors and shapes version of Candyland.
During science, we talked about how we are all scientists. We are all curious about things that happen around us and that it's good to ask questions. We then take those questions and form a hypothesis (or guess). Once we have our guess, we can do an experiment and decide if our guess was right.
We then did an experiment where we guessed what would happen if we mixed milk with white powder (lemon pudding). Children said they thought it would stay white and were very surprised when it turned yellow. They then smelled and tasted it, saying it tasted like lemons. They then guessed what would happen if we mixed blue food coloring in with the yellow pudding. After guessing that it would make the pudding blue and taste like blueberries, we mixed it in. They were excited to see that it actually turned the pudding green and, even though they thought it would change the flavor, it still tasted like lemons!
We also made fruit kabobs during cooking. The children got to use plastic knives to cut strawberries, bananas, and pineapples before carefully sliding them onto a skewer. They loved being able to make their own snack and it was great for their fine motor!
We used whiteboards to practice writing our names, letters, and numbers.
We introduced the number 0 and, after discussing it in large group, we worked on our number 0 page in our number books.
We used playdough to try making the letters in our names.
After introducing our first sight word, I, we read and illustrated our "I" sight word reader.
Finally, after talking about the letter I, we made a letter I craft that we will add to our alphabet book.
Next week, we continue our rainbow unit by learning about mixing primary colors to make secondary colors, the letter Aa, the word "a", and the number 1.
I can't wait to start another great week. Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs. Poyzer