Saturday, August 9, 2014

Third week of Rainbows

This past week was our last week of our rainbow unit. We did a lot of fun color related activities along with working on the letter Mm, the word "am", and the number 2.
When talking about the color black, we discussed how even neutral colors are made by mixing primary colors. We did an experiment where we put a bit of rubbing alcohol in a cup with a piece of coffee filter over the top. We added a pipe cleaner that had the bottom of it in the rubbing alcohol and the top coming through the coffee filter. We then added black dots to the coffee filter to see what would happen when the rubbing alcohol seeped up through the coffee filter and out to the edges. The rubbing alcohol actually pulled the lighter color molecules out to the edges and separated the color so show us that this black ink was made by mixing teal with magenta!

We continued to talk about how we can sort things by cutting out shapes and sorting them by the types of sides they had (curved sides, 4 straight sides, etc.).

We practiced mixing colors by putting two primary colors into Ziploc bags and mixing them around until they made a new color.


We also tinted cream cheese two different primary colors and stirred them together to make a new color before spreading it on rice cakes for our cooking project.

For art, we continued to review which colors could be made by mixing primary colors. We made color mixing ladybugs by using primary colored wings and matching them up to secondary colored bodies (these are hanging in the hallway if you would like to get a better look!).

We also practiced making our names by tracing each letter and then gluing rainbow colored dots on each (these are hanging on the cabinets in our classroom... see if you can find your child's!).


We also made "fireworks" by filling containers with water and adding a thin layer of vegetable oil to the top before dropping food coloring drops to the top. The food coloring drops slowing sunk through the vegetable oil and into the water where they "exploded" into a cloud of color!

Finally, we added food coloring and water to a small water bottle, then added vegetable oil to the top. We secured the lids and then allowed the children to shake them. They then set them down and observed what happened. They were surprised to see that, after letting them sit, the water and vegetable oil separated and kept separating after each time they shook them!
Next week we start our All About Me unit where we will talk about our five senses along with the number 3, the letter Nn, and the words "an" and "in".
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Poyzer

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