We had such a busy week this week! In addition to learning about the letter Jj, our new sight words, and continuing to work on patterning, we also celebrated out 100th day of school and finished up our zoo animals unit.

We made a 100th day trail mix where each child made 10 groups of 10 snack items then mixed them together.
We also made 100th day pizzas where the children used a hole punch to punch out red "pepperonis" and put 10 on each of 10 pizza slices.
We also did an art project called 100 dots where the children used Q-tips to paint 10 dots in each of 10 circles.
For science, we practiced our counting to 100 skill by predicting how full a jar would be with 100 drops of water in it then counting out 100 drops and comparing the result to our predictions.
After reading "How Do You Hug a Porcupine" and "A Porcupine Named Fluffy", the children made toothpick porcupines by tracing their hands and adding toothpicks for the quills.
We also go to see a puppet show called "Old McDonald" with the rest of the Pre-K students!
After discussing what kinds of animals are in a zoo and why, the children chose an animal that they would have in their zoo, drew a picture of it, then made a cage for it (these are displayed in the hallway!).
For cooking on Friday, we made Hedgehog Biscuits by adding pretzel sticks for the quills and raisins for the eyes and mouth then baking them!
We practiced our patterning by making a pattern crown and completing our 1-2-3 pattern page in our patterning booklet.
Finally, to finish up our week, we had a zoo animal picnic where the children got to bring a zoo animal in and have animal crackers and a juice box out in the shade!
Have a great 3-day weekend!
Mrs. Poyzer
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