Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great winter break! Now that we are half way through the year, we are really focusing on practicing our Kindergarten behavior by making sure our routines are very similar to Kindergarten (no rest time, a shorter lunch time, etc.). The children are doing great with it so far!
We started learning about patterning in math. Our first pattern that we are working on is a 1 2 pattern (shown below). As we progress through the next 7 weeks, the patterns will grow more complicated.

We also started working on numerical order, number before, number after, and counting on. One activity we did to practice number order was a number order puzzle where the children had numbers 1-30 and needed to glue them back in order.
Our letter of the week was the letter Kk. We learned the difference between uppercase and lowercase Kk, what sound it makes, how to write it, and named a bunch of things that start with a Kk.
We also started talking about zoo animals this week. One of the books we read was Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? After we read the book, we reviewed our color words by stamping them under the corresponding animal in our booklets.
Once we were done stamping, we got to illustrate our book to match our color words.
For cooking, we made cinnamon snakes by rolling biscuits into a snake shape and baking them.
While our snakes were baking, we did a sequencing activity where we put the steps taken to make our snack in order.
Once baked, we added raisin eyes and sprinkles for the antennae.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Poyzer
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