After reading "The Lorax", we learned how to draw him and added some fun truffula trees.

We also made Earths by coloring coffee filters with markers and spraying them with water. Then we colored rainbows, cut them out, added them to the Earths, and glued them to black paper. Finally, we traced our hands, cut them out, and wrote some ways that we can help save the Earth before adding them to the picture!

After discussing ways to reuse trash, we worked in pairs to make cardboard boxes into something new. These two made theirs into a boat and pushed each other around!

These two decided to make a roller coaster out of their box!

For one of our science projects, we tried to predict what would happen if we put a gummy worm in water. Then, after a few hours in the water, we pulled the gummy worms out and compared them to our non-water worms to see that they had absorbed some of the water and looked like they had grown!

For cooking, we made gummy worm popsicles by putting a few gummy worms in a glass and pouring in white grape juice before putting them in the freezer.

While we waited for our popsicles to freeze, we got to enjoy our green snack of green apples, pears, broccoli, grapes, cucumber, and celery!!

We also reused cardboard tubes by turning them into binoculars!

Finally, the popsicles were done and they loved them!

We finished off the week by having our first grade buddies come over and help us make newspaper hats to go with our binoculars!

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Poyzer
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