We finished up our Dinosaur unit this week by learning about fossils, how they are formed, and what scientists learn from them.

We used playdough to try making our own fossils with little plastic dinosaurs.
We used number lines to practice addition (in terms of counting on).
We learned about how paleontologists uncover fossils and record data about them by "uncovering" our own dinosaurs (fruit snacks) and graphing which ones we found.
The children had to find the fruit snacks that were buried in rocks (grape nuts cereal).

One of our favorite art projects was to watercolor a mystery picture to discover a dinosaur skeleton. The skeleton was drawn on in white crayon so, as the children painted over it with watercolors, the paint didn't stick to where the bones were revealing a skeleton.
Then we wrote about the kind of dinosaur we found and what it eats.
Next week we start our Earth unit where we will be talking about recycling and earthworms!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Poyzer
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