Friday, February 27, 2015

Second week of in the sky

This week was such a busy week! We learned a lot about stars and constellations by making a constellation class book.

We assembled missing number puzzles.

We did a rainbow pattern write to 100 activity to see how high we could write.

We did a pattern write the room activity where we searched the room for patterns and named them on our papers.

Plus we finished our patterning book that we have been working on each week since we started patterning!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Week 1 of Sky

We had such a fun week!

We did cloud and kite painting with shaving cream paint.

We went out to look at the clouds to see if we could tell what kind of clouds were out.

We did a cloud in a cup experiment to show how it rains.

We practiced patterning by doing a dot painter pattern book.

We made I Can cloyds to write about what we know how to do.

Finally, we made cloud jello for cooking!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's week

We had such a fun and busy week!

We started out the week by sortinh and patterning with Skittles.

We played Pick a Stone that helped with number recognition.

We used magnifying glasses to find missing numbers in a number line.

We talked about the meaning behind Xs and Os and sponged painted with them.

We played a lustening game where the children listened as plastic hearts were shaken abd tried to guess how many hearts were in them.

We talked about comparing numbers with greater than, less than, and equals and made number comparison ladybugs.

We did a candy heart estimation activity.

We made cinnamon applesause by stirring cinnamon candies into applesauce.

Finally, we had our Valentine's party and enjoyed lots of yummy treats after exchanging Valentines!

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Poyzer

Friday, February 6, 2015

Last week of Nursery Rhymes

This week we did some really fun activities. We practiced labeling by labeling the parts of a spider. We also sorted spiders from bugs and talked about how they're different. We practiced sight words by finding and reading them in our sight word readers and by playing sight word fishing. We also started to focus on CVC reading and sounding out words by reading some short a words and sorting them by their word families.